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Sliding Patio Doors in San Diego

A&C Windows and Doors is a family-owned and operated business providing sleek vinyl and fiberglass sliding patio doors for San Diego and Inland Empire homes. Our vinyl and fiberglass options imbue homes with a modern aesthetic and provide quick, easy access in and out. We provide sliding doors in various shapes, sizes, and styles to fit your layout and design vision.

sliding door

About Milgard® Sliding Patio Doors

Milgard® conceptualizes and designs their patio doors with a smooth, streamlined operation. They are gorgeous and can match and enhance a wide range of aesthetics and styles. Milgard’s® standard sliding doors glide along a track from left to right. They can be built for right or left-handed users, depending on your preferences.

sliding door

Sliding Doors Vs. Hinged Doors

Functionality is the most significant difference between sliding and hinged patio doors. Hinged doors require more room than sliding doors, so they can swing in and out. Sliding doors move back and forth horizontally and do not need additional space to work. They are an excellent choice for saving space and ideal for cramped rooms that don’t have much room to spare.

Three Factors in Considering a Sliding Door

Sliding doors provide a beautiful look and easy access to and from your home. However, there are a few essential factors to consider before requesting an installation. Covering them beforehand ensures your safety and convenience. We recommend thinking over the following:

Frame Material

We install vinyl and fiberglass frames. These materials are among the best for patio doors, but one might suit you better than the other. Vinyl glass is budget-friendly but vulnerable to warping during temperature shifts. Fiberglass is highly warp-resistant but costs more.


Low maintenance is among the most significant benefits of vinyl and fiberglass. They can last for years and withstand the harshest weather conditions, remaining free of cracks, chips, peeling, and corrosion. We recommend vinyl or fiberglass if you prefer little to no maintenance.


Many homeowners worry about their home's security with a glass sliding door. We recommend installing highly resistant glass and locks that prevent entry from outside. Our Milgard® doors can withstand heavy blows and impacts.

Is a Sliding Door Right for You?

A sliding door will instantly provide elegance and convenience within your home. You’ll be able to transition effortlessly from indoors to out in no time. We provide a top-quality and budget-friendly array of sliding doors. We would love to provide you with our expert guidance and advice so you can make the right choice for your home. Please contact us for a free estimate, and our team will get you a beautiful new door.

Contact A&C Windows and Doors Today!