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Horizontal Sliding Windows in San Diego

A&C Windows and Doors provides elegant, efficient horizontal sliding windows for San Diego and the Inland Empire. Horizontal slides glide effortlessly from left to right, completely crank-free. They are perfect for homes and with a modern layout and design. We are fully trained, skilled, and equipped to install your windows quickly.

window and bath tub

What’s a Horizontal Sliding Window?

A horizontal window sash slides from left to right. Unlike crank-style windows, horizontal sliders don’t protrude out. Many homeowners install sliders in rooms facing walkways and patios. They comprise a sleek, modern style that fits terrifically within contemporary and new homes. There are two types of horizontal windows, single-slider and double-slider. Single sliders open one sash, while both can be opened with a double slider. Horizontal sliders usually open faster than crank-style windows, providing homes with plenty of fresh air.

What Are the Advantages of Horizontal Sliders?

If you prioritize convenience and love modern aesthetics, then horizontal sliding windows might be right for you. A&C Windows and Doors installs them in many shapes, sizes, and styles. They provide an eye-catching appearance, easy use, and versatility for families. The advantages of horizontal sliders include the following:

Quick Installation

Horizontal sliders can be installed easier and faster than other windows, and they usually don't need extra hardware.

Beautiful Aesthetics

Their style is sleek and sophisticated, adaptable to a wide range of home and business designs and layouts.

Proper Ventilation

Horizontal sliders have a wide opening, allowing fresh air and sunshine to come in during beautiful days.

Convenient Opening and Closing

No more taking valuable time cranking your window open and closed. Horizontal sliders open and shut with ease.

Versatile Sizes

Horizontal sliders can be customized in small, medium, and large sizes to fit your home.

Are Horizontal Sliding Windows Right for Me?

Horizontal sliders match modern styles and new homes perfectly. They are recommended for homes with more width than height. Do you need help choosing the right window? A&C Windows and Doors can help. We provide expert advice and guidance to clients daily. If you believe a horizontal sliding window is right for you, our team can provide an inspection and estimate. Our goal is to provide windows that enhance your property and lifestyle.

Contact A&C Windows and Doors Today!